Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger | Nature Power Watt

Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger Review
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Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger
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Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger Feature

  • 18-Watt solar panel to keep your 12-volt batteries charged; charge controller is sold separately
    • Nature Power Watt : Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger has been approved through the our quality and you willl check item standard from its rating..

    Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger Overviews

    The 18-Watt Solar Battery Charger takes the sun’s energy and turns it into electric current. The current is delivered to your 12-volt rechargeable battery to charge and promote the longevity and health of your battery. This solar panel is lightweight and versatile and can be used with any rechargeable 12-volt battery to provide a portable power solution for a variety of applications and coupled with an inverter can provide AC power for places such as remote cabins and cottages or non-electrified buildings. This solar panel can also provide a way to keep the 12-volt batteries of your RV, truck, c-Amper or boat topped up during storage. A solar charge controller is required to keep your batteries from being overcharged; this solar panel is best matched with the Nature Power 8-Amp Solar Charge Controller. High quality amorphous solar material will work in all light conditions even on overcast days. Completely weatherproofed this solar panel can be installed outdoors permanently. Mounting hardware is included. Poles for a fast and easy temporary tilt mount are also included letting you angle the solar panel towards the sun. Nature Power solar panels feature a sturdy aluminum frame and toughened glass top and are safe for temperatures ranging from -40 to 175-Degree Fahrenheit. A blocking diode built within the wiring protects your batteries draining due to reverse current. 11 feet of cabling lets you place the solar panel in the best position to receive sunlight. Use two or more for even faster charging of your rechargeable 12-volt batteries. Great as an expander panel for the Nature Power 18-Watt Solar Battery Charger and 8-Amp Charge Controller Kit. This product is covered by a 5 year warranty.
       Now! You will not be disappointed with Nature Power 40015 18-Watt Solar Powered 12-Volt Battery Charger.

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